“60 years later.”

“60 years later.”

Today I turned 60.Since God set life expectancy to 120 years after the flood, I plan on cashing in on my full quota – Lord willing. If I can make my 100th birthday in good condition, I believe grace and enough good habits will help me see out my final 20 years. Unless you determine to do otherwise, getting older will set your mind to looking back—admittedly, that’s where the stories are. But I have decided that since I am only halfway, I will instead invest my efforts in looking forward—that’s where the dreams are.At 20 I had a very long ‘Want-List’ for my life. At 60 that list is surprisingly short and void of much in the way of material things.I have seen lives transformed by faith in Jesus. I want to see more of that and spend all my days to that end.I have seen sinners repent of their destructive ways—including myself. I want to know the depths of Christ’s love for sinful man and share it. I have seen the Bible enlighten dark and ignorant minds and hearts. I want to know the depths of the wisdom of God’s Word and preach it till my dying breath.I have seen families raised around the Bible in local congregations. I want that for every family on earth. Also, I want them to see in me a godly husband, father, and brother.I want to see my loved ones in heaven on the Last Day.I want faith to pray in the Spirit; to move mountains! I want to understand the mysteries of the Spirit’s work in the church and my part in it.I want to be useful in the Kingdom. To use my time and talents to glorify Christ in his church.I want to see the sick cured, the hungry feed and the evil punished.Christians have transformed this world by faith and good works. I want to ever be a part of that! John StaigerIf you have been blessed by this message, please feel free to: Like, Comment or Share it with your friends. (309)


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