Agatha Christie’s, “Murder on the Orient Express,” has stood the test of time, and as they say, “It ain’t famous for nothing!” I have read the book and seen the two major motion picture adaptations, but for the life of me, I can find no possible way for the reader and viewer to work out who the killers were before the detective’s final detailed explanation. Christie’s ability to convince her audience that her victim was murdered by, not one, but all the suspects, is as remarkable as the plot itself.
Everyone loves a good story. And especially a story that has enough plot twists to make people believe that they are not just onlookers, but rather intelligent participants.
The irony is that I could just as easily be describing the methods used by false teachers over the centuries.
If you want to hear a story full of mystery, emotion, loyalty, and tradition, just ask those who christen newborn babies why they do so. Told properly, you will be treated to heroic stories of generations of babies being snatched from hellfire—out of the grips of original sin. They will tell you that the ‘Holy Church,’ the ‘Holy Priest,” and the Faithful Parents, all play vital roles in the salvation of the soul of that baby—on that day!
If you investigate from a Biblical standpoint, you will probably be met with references to the Jewish practice of circumcision, or an explanation that the baby was ‘born into the church.’
Of course, it all might make a good story…if it were true—but it is pure fiction!
These same people who would count you evil if you accused their infants of criminal intent for doing something wrong, somehow teach that it is fine when God does it.
Like Agatha Christie’s story, you too will discover that the victim—in this case, ‘The Truth about Biblical Baptism’—was murdered by, not one, but all the suspects.
Baptism is exclusively an adult experience:
“Peter said to them, “Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit”” (Acts 2:38).
John Staiger