As it has been taught #9. “For now we really live!”

As it has been taught #9. “For now we really live!”

Those who know you best are the first to notice when you are especially happy. You become energised and begin to smile, sing, and retell those tales of victory; it’s a good day for everyone.

The normal day can be one of struggles. Its not that you are unhappy, its that stubborn problems tend to be hard to smile at. We are ever reminded of how Adam consigned us to thorns, thistles and bread eaten by the sweat of our brow (Genesis 3:18-19).

But this is no excuse for despair. The Second Adam, Christ, has placed us in the Vineyard of the Lord where our daily duties have purpose for eternity. Jesus has added us to His church so that we can thrive as we work together with Him to save humanity.

Thus, it is when we see the church doing well that “We Really Live!” Because when the church is doing well, everything in its wake is being blessed. This is when, despite being ever in the heat of the battle for the souls of man, our faces are lifted in joy and praise to the God of all grace.

Too many Christians sit dying in their pews—Their hearts and minds transfixed on the cares of this world. Add to this sermons suggesting that we can have the joy of the Lord while still clinging to those worldly cares, and all we have is a sad smile on the face of misery.

Surrounding us are the same kinds of destressed and dispirited people for which Jesus had compassion. Jesus offered “Life” in the spiritual family that we call “the church.”

If you want to really live, share it!

“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest” (Matthew 9:37-38).

John Staiger


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