“Blessed are the meek…” (Mt.5:5).

“Blessed are the meek…” (Mt.5:5).

I was speaking with a couple and mentioned that I had met their brother-in-law. When I said that I was impressed that he was so humble, they started to laugh. Apparently, though counted as meek and mild under normal circumstances, when challenged to confront his shortcomings, he showed a side of himself that shatters that image forever.True meekness can only be developed in fellowship with Christ. Therein you are being transformed into his image—gentle and humble in heart. Meekness is never something that is imposed upon you. Forced subservience is not meekness, it is subjugation. Christians caught in such religious slavery must escape to the cross.When you responded to Jesus’ invitation to come unto him, you obeyed his command by taking up your cross and following him. It is walking in his presence where, in meekness of spirit, ‘you will find rest for your soul.’Jesus had every right to come in the spirit of wrath. He chose instead to come in the spirit of meekness. He endured suffering at the hands of evil men for the express purpose of saving us through that suffering.Meekness is not passivity.Jesus rebuked all who sought to abuse both man and scripture. In righteous anger he cleansed the temple with a whip. He rebuked the religious hypocrites to their faces. Yet, not defending himself before his accusers, he submitted to public humiliation, torture, and death. The sinless dying for the sinful—you and me.You, the meek, are blessed.“Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth” (Mt.5:5).The earth and everything in it, is yours, enjoy it!It is your workplace. Herein you employ your gifts and talents. Herewith God spreads the Gospel through you to the far corners of the earth.Like Paul, we desire to save souls. We happily waive our rights and endure hardship in order for God to use us at every opportunity – that’s meekness! John StaigerIf you have been blessed by this message, please feel free to: Like, Comment or Share it with your friends. (336)


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