I knew a preacher 30 years ago who had it all. His self-confidence was truly an attractive quality. This combined with a sharp mind and quick wit, gave him guaranteed likability wherever he went. His sermons were well crafted (even those done on the fly), and he always engaged his audiences with interesting stories and practical ideas. But sadly, all of this masked a deep-seated problem of the heart. You would think that those closest to him would have pointed out the unholy contrast between his preaching persona and the reckless behaviour brought on by his paper-thin ego. It all came out. The congregation he worked with split, his family broke up and anyone who has since done business with him have suffered inevitable ignominious ends.Much confusion has been present when discussing the exact meaning of: “Blessed are the poor in spirit.” This should not surprise us given that humility, being at the core of its meaning, always seems to be in short supply.It is only a total acceptance of your spiritual destitution that gets you the Kingdom of Heaven.John the Baptist, the Syrophoenician woman and Zacchaeus all had this sense of poverty of spirit. You just couldn’t fail to see it on display. To speak to some Christians, you might easily conclude that their Family Motto might read: “Ever striving for Pride in Self-reliance!” Jesus calls for the absolute opposite.This first Beatitude is laying a solid foundation for those to come.Jesus is making sure that all who come to him, strip themselves of any notions of having anything to offer God in and of themselves. And that the only thing of eternal value – their soul – had to be literally bought back, because they had sold out to sin. All the more we rejoice on bended knee:“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Mt.5:3).John StaigerIf you have been blessed by this message, please feel free to: Like, Comment or Share it with your friends. (334)