Counting the Cost#10. “Family”

Counting the Cost#10. “Family”

Through the centuries, many of our brethren have suffered greatly for naming the name of Christ. Their families have branded them, traitors, to their heritage for attaching themselves to the Household of God—the Lord’s church. Accusations of shame have been followed by threats or violence. The cost of discipleship for some of these brothers and sisters has begun with family alienation and ended in death by their hands.

You and I may never know such extremes. However, we should not be surprised at harsh words and strained or broken relationships. Families are designed to be close and ever supportive. When a foreign force enters, defences are mobilized.

The family is of God’s design. But it was man who removed God from His rightful place as Head. As humans have scattered to their various corners of belief, the true God of Heaven has become unknown or unwelcome in the home.

When the believer in Christ brings Jesus home in his heart, he is inviting his unbelieving family to join the family of Christ. Its result is either that of great rejoicing or great sorrow.

Jesus had brothers and sisters too. His own brothers, despite growing up in his very presence, showed neither belief nor respect for his Messiahship (John 7). It wasn’t until after his resurrection that his half-brothers, James and Jude would become believers, and their writings included in the New Testament canon—Praise the Lord!

Jesus made no secret that his true brothers and sisters were those spiritually bound to him.

Jesus announced to the crowds: “For whoever does the will of My Father who is in heaven, he is My brother and sister and mother” (Mt.12:50).

“Behold, what manner of love the Father has given unto us, that we should be called the children of God; and such we are” (1Jn.1:3).

John Staiger


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