“Be as wise as serpents…”
“Conflict and Confrontation” are Siamese twins coming your way. Either you will find them, or they will find you. Be careful, these guys fight dirty. When Satan looks for someone to devour, these are the demonic forces he sends in to prepare the kill. Churches welcoming them to their bosom, have been, at best, left bruised and bloodied. At worst, cut asunder. Jesus included their type in his limited commission warnings, “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves” (Mt.10:16). An elder can spot these church wreckers from 50 paces. His grip on the word makes him a champion of sound doctrine and ready to “refute those who contradict” (Titus 1:9). The watchful Christian learns through bitter experience to be bold enough to “snatch the sinner from the fire” (Jude 23)—despite being burned in the process. Conflict and Confrontation hate peace. They smash it out of the way as an object of weakness.
Peacemakers are dismissed as those who want peace at any price. What are the early warning signs that Conflict and Confrontation are coming to visit? Firstly, look at the trail of devastation behind them. Broken churches, broken families, broken friendships and even broken bones. Secondly, they insist that everything that has gone wrong can be explained if you will only see it from their perspective. In their mind, failure to do so makes you a problem that God has sent them to solve. And thirdly, the people they leave behind do not want them back. They may not say so, but they won’t ever send out an invitation, either. What to do with Conflict and Confrontation? Firstly, see them for what they are—Satan’s henchmen. They love controversies and introduce false doctrines. They “come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves (Mt.7:15). Secondly, like wolves, they isolate and devour, so keep everything out on the table. This is not easy. They love private chats and scream ‘gossip’ if exposed. Thirdly, learn from experience. These guys will be back. They have every sin and temptation known to man and demon in their arsenal. This makes them extremely popular with the narcissist and the weak Christian looking for an issue to hide behind in times of unfaithfulness. And finally, stay strong! Strong in the Word, Prayer, and Fellowship. When you feel the peace of Christ draining away, you can guarantee that these guys are coming—Be ready! “Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person” (Colossians 4:6).