In my earliest days of door-knocking, I was always afraid that I would meet an irate person who would ask me questions like: “Do you think I’m going to hell?” I was going door-to-door with Tommy Gore in Napier in 1978 and I told him of my concern. He said, “It will never happen.” When asking him why he assured me, “Even when asked directly about hell, no one wants to discuss the thought that they might be going there.”
Since then, I have met many unbelievers who, despite their stated rejection of an afterlife, firmly believe that, if there is one, they will be welcomed into heaven with open arms. I pray that they are right, but I firmly believe that they are sadly mistaken. Only those born of water and the Spirit will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. By rejecting Jesus they are making themselves Enemies of God.
If there is one thing that the Bible has a clear abundance of, it is those who set their faces against God. God’s Word speaks into a world that has sold its soul to the devil. The Bible’s express purpose is to mercifully guide the sinner back to God through the cross of Christ.
Here is a tragic ‘short-list’ of some who have made themselves Enemies of God:
*Those who do not do the will of the Father in Heaven (Mt.7:21-23).
*Those who destroy the church (1Cor.3:17).
*Fake Christians—Tares (Mt.13:24-30).
*Christians who wish to be friends of the world (Jm.4:4).
*Those who oppose the preaching of Christ (Acts 13:10).
*Those who do not walk according to the apostolic pattern; they have made themselves enemies of the cross (Phil.3:17-18).
*Those who have disbelieved; they shall be condemned (Mk.16:16).
It is God’s desire that NO MAN be lost (2Pet.3:9). He sent Jesus into the world to die for His enemies (Rom.5:10). Jesus calls all to salvation through baptism (Mk.16:15). “But by His doing you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption” (1Cor.1:30).
John Staiger