Mercy—A most Powerful form of Evangelism

Mercy—A most Powerful form of Evangelism

(Proverbs 25:21-22; Rom.12:20)

It is not the Christian’s goal to merely live. The creatures of this world do that. It is our goal to live life, and to live it abundantly. That is why Jesus gave it to us (Jn.10:10).Peace is an essential ingredient in a life lived to the full. The fastest way to syphon off any gains made by prayer and good works is to compile a catalogue of complaints. Bitterness will settle in.It takes a lot for a godly person to become revengeful. But you will face it. When confronted with relentless ungodly behaviour the Christian is tempted to contemplate countermeasures. Paul calls instead for countercultural measures. Instead of letting your enemy suffer in his self-imposed need, you are to provide the necessaries of life. Its mercy over retribution—that’s what Christians do. You are assured that by ‘so doing you will heap burning coals on his head’ (Rom.12:20)Are these the coals of God’s wrath?Remember, what Paul says in verse 19: “Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath…”.God’s wrath is upon the sinner who opposes His will. This is especially the case when that opposition includes the persecution of Christians.When Christians refuse to ‘repay anyone evil for evil’ (Rom.12:17), they are letting their light shine before men (Mt.5:16). Whoever sees his good works will either give glory to God, repent, and be blessed, or reject God’s call to repentance and suffer God’s wrath. Mercy is God’s word in action. Taking revenge, albeit righteous in our estimation, is thwarting the work of the Holy Spirit in bringing the sinner to repentance. Mercy is powerful evangelism.The Christian will always seek to overcome evil with good (Rom.12:21). That’s the life that Jesus lived. That’s the abundant life he shares with us.(John staiger)If you have been blessed by this message, please feel free to: Like, Comment or Share it with your friends.

15Carlos Cabrera, Lucy Hill Khan and 13 others1 comment5 sharesLikeCommentShare



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