Nothing New under the Sun #4. “The Good old days.”

Nothing New under the Sun #4. “The Good old days.”

Don’t ask, “Why was life better in the ‘good old days’?” It is not wise to ask such questions (Ecclesiastes 7:10NCV).

I was listening to a commentator talking about growing up in the 1990s as if it were a very long time ago. It made me realise that my parents’ generation also saw the years of my childhood and youth as “yesterday” for them.

Despite the growing number of doomsayers, I still believe that today is a very good time to be young. Modern technology has certainly got its moral traps, but it is also a goldmine of information and opportunity. God’s beautiful world is literally at their fingertips, and they need to discover it for themselves and convert it to Christ.

Never let it be said that we have burdened our young people with the fears that we have gathered along the way. Harkening back to the good old days as if we all slept soundly in our unlocked homes with our windows wide open sounds great until put under the microscope; every generation has its blessings and cursings.

Those of us who have a few more miles on the clock than our younger counterparts need to keep our risk averse ways amongst ourselves. Wisdom does indeed offer shortcuts and less expenditure of energy, but who says that those are always good things? Afterall, Paul was filled with the wisdom in the Lord, and he welcomed arduous travel, murderous enemies, sleepless nights and hungry days to take the Gospel to where it needed to go.

It is my prayer that you and I look back on our “good old days” and say, “They were good, but today is better. For today we have the blessings of yesterday, and the hope and opportunities of tomorrow.”

John Staiger


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