Proverbs 22:2“The rich and poor have this in common:The LORD made them both.”

Proverbs 22:2“The rich and poor have this in common:The LORD made them both.”

Jesus chose poverty as his starting point. No one was going to be able to point to any built-in springboards of privilege to advance his kingdom. His first possessions were rags and a trough for a bed, and his last possessions the objects gambled away at the foot of his cross.They say that death is the great equalizer. The follow-up question is inevitably:“How much will the richest man on earth leave behind when he dies…?”“Everything!”God is the author of life. Rich and poor alike. He is not a respecter of persons. He doesn’t hold one person above another.Those who ‘have’ are expected by God to take care of those who ‘have not.’ That being a personal obligation placed upon those who ‘have more than enough’ to meet their needs, not permission for those in need to take it by force. Carry that on to its logical conclusion and we end in carnage.Rich and poor alike are called to honour God with those resources He has gifted to them. We are equally accountable to God because we are equal in His sight.The devil will happily aid us if we seek to justify having contempt for others. Looking up with anger at the rich or looking down with disgust at the poor is all the same to God.God will recalibrate our hearts if we let Him. The new setting will make us see all people in the way that Jesus does—souls worth dying for!Lord, make us like you. John Staiger

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