You don’t have to be in the church long to start noticing the high rate of Christians who return to the world. It is truly heartbreaking and depressing. Many converts just don’t count the cost. They grow weary and lose heart, and instead of growing in grace and knowledge, they return to their old lifestyles. I praise God for the millions of Christians who, in the spirit of the Prodigal’s father, stand watching and praying that hearts will turn back to God.
It does not necessarily follow that every Christian who has ever grown weary and lost heart has done so after years of hard slog in the church. This does happen, but it is the exception, rather than the rule. When a saint loses heart, it is usually because he has long since lost sight of Jesus. His shift in focus is the result of a shift in motivation. Having once had a faith richly embedded in Christ, his faith became weak, and he was overcome. With eyes no longer fixed on Jesus, it is no wonder that every good deed done in the church becomes a burden to him.
The doctrine of the crucified Christ is that which enlivens and empowers. With it, you have the strength to take up your cross daily and follow Jesus. Without it you are powerless to even know how to follow in Jesus’ steps. None of us wants to grow weary and lose heart. And we won’t if you look to Jesus’ example as our sole inspiration to persevere in the faith. Satan, with the use of demons and ungodly men, threw up one hostile situation after another to thwart Jesus’ ministry. Thus, Satan continues his hostilities against you and me to the same end. Survival and progress are all about where you have fixed your eyes: “For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart” (Heb.12:3).
John Staiger