The Lord’s church must be ever vigilant to instil a sense of personal accountability in matters of belief. When members rely completely upon that which is taught from the ‘front’ as their reason for believing, they will be in for some very rough sailing when challenged to defend their faith. When life-long Bible students – you and me – come to our group Bible studies armed with knowledge and understanding, we come as those who are taught of God.
Such encounters, be they with few or many, are experiences that test our faith in what is being taught. The doctrinal agreement can usually be anticipated, but what is tested most are our convictions.
Our faith comes by hearing and obeying the Word of Christ. It is the Holy Spirit using His inspired Bible to expose the thoughts and intentions of our hearts. This is a process that we must participate in continuously as we are ‘Running toward the Prize.’If not “the sin that so easily holds us back” (Heb.12:1) will disqualify us from the prize. What is this ‘clinging sin?’ Contextually, in the Book of Hebrews, it must be ‘the sin of unbelief.’ Specifically, that the Hebrew Christians were ever in danger of forsaking Christ and returning to their pre-Christian Judaism.
These brethren were being persecuted for their faith in Jesus. Their Jewish upbringing had been socially all-encompassing and believing in Jesus as Messiah put them at odds with lifelong friends and family. The intense pressure to abandon the church for the former comforts of the Synagogue was all around them. Some giving up their faith in Jesus.
You and I must acknowledge the ever-present pressure to give in to unbelief. We must deliberately, and constantly, cast off this sin. The strength to do so is there for the asking.
Our Saviour always gives grace to help in time of need.
John Staiger