Take a Break- fast!

Doesn’t food just make our fellowship fabulous? 

Well our Morningside ladies breakfast each month just takes the cake- or rather the pancake!

As one of our traditions, it really does help our sisters connect. 

Living all around Auckland means no Saturday sleep-ins unless you’re already up for your early morning quiet time with God.

But the early wake up is worth it as we walk into the kitchen brimming with bright and bubbly volunteers and the mouth-watering wafts of bacon and eggs, croissants and coffee.

Chit-chatting until our prayer, things heat up as as we break our fast of food and the need to talk like only a woman can!

Following our entree of full bellies and talk fest, comes the main course- our spiritual feast of a devotional. 

What a smorgasbord of sharing we have had- last year covering subjects from You are the hero and David vs Goliath to an interactive study on Light and a slide show series about the land of Israel called Beware of Idols. 

What I love the most is listening to spiritual sisters share their insight in a way sisters can relate to. It’s a special connection which God knows we need- words from women who can remind us we’re in this together serving His kingdom in our unique way, supporting rather than nagging our men to lead as God has prescribed.

Of course, laughter and tears can flow at times as any sister knows from attending ladies retreats, challenges or special days! Our emotional make-up is just naturally us. 

This break from the world reminds us of who we are- Prov 31:30.

We’re grateful to our leadership for the budget to make this tradition happen- it makes a difference on so many levels.

Most importantly we thank and praise God for these opportunities to support each sister in her faith- we need it! Eph 5:1-2.

We look forward for another 2020 spiritual feast!


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