Teachers#5. “Should you teach?

Teachers#5. “Should you teach?

As you read this, give honour to all the great Bible teachers you have known. Those who have either sat down with you one-on-one, or those who have stood before you in Bible classes. Ever breaking forth the Bread of Life; ever feeding your soul. Some were born to teach, while others mastered the basic mechanics of the teaching process one lesson at a time. All were doing it for one purpose—to bring you closer to Jesus.

Being asked to teach a Bible class petrifies most. All manner of reasons and excuses flood the mind at the thought. But you should give it serious prayer anyway.

Below is a list of questions for aspiring teachers to consider. But first a caution from James 3:1 – “Let not many of you be teachers, for you will incur a stricter judgement.” This is to encourage the serious, but to dissuade those who refuse to be accountable to God and His church. There will be a judgement Day.
1. How much do you love the Lord and his church?
2. Do you have a faith to share?
3. Is it your passion to see others grow in grace and knowledge of the truth?
4. As you read the Bible do feel that you should be sharing what you are learning? Those who are inspired will inspire others.
5. Are you teachable? No one wants to listen to a mind so full that it doesn’t have room to be challenged.
6. Can you learn to comfortably stand in front of an audience? It just takes practice.
7. Do you see your place in Christ’s vision to win the world? It is by catching His vision that you will gain the energy and excitement needed to teach effectively.
8. How sensitive are you? All teachers are both praised and criticised. It pays to maintain a thick hide and a tender heart. The tender heart keeps you teaching the truth in love, and the thick hide stops you from placing ‘your feelings’ at the centre of Christ’s work through you.

Teaching the Word of God is doing the best of God’s work.

God bless our teachers – I pray that is you!

John Staiger


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