I am not much into blaming parents, probably because I happen to be one. (You have my permission to smile.)However, mercy is something that parents must teach their children and it must be reinforced on every necessary occasion.As a rule, we do not usually talk about others as being unmerciful. We instead use adjectives like: selfish, unfeeling, intolerant, and (down at the jailhouse), psychopathic. The Christian definition is summed up by Paul: “Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you” (Ephesians 4:32).The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant (Matthew 18:21–35) is a mirror. Jesus is holding it up and saying, ‘Look into this. Who does this remind you of?’ Most see themselves as the servant who owed his fellow servant a little bit of money. The one being punished by his fellow servant for not paying his small debt, even though everyone knew that he himself had been forgiven a massive debt. Afterall, we conclude, rich people look after each other, but we remain at the bottom. The spiritual man recognizes himself. He is the unmerciful servant who instantly forgot about the mercy shown him by the King. He sees himself, one forgiven an eternal debt, refusing to forgive his fellow man a tiny transgression by comparison.As we forgive, so we will be forgiven. Failure to forgive your fellow man will result in failure for you to be forgiven by God.So, choose mercy—Forgive BIG!“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.” (Mt.5:7).John Staiger
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