Choose a Side—It matters!
Not so long ago my whole life was laid out in photo albums, in awkward stories remembered by my siblings, in snapshots from my first trips away from home, and in all those exciting stories of my glories and defeats I repeated to my kids (before they were old enough to question the facts). Back then I thrilled my family with my newfound knowledge of world affairs at the dinner table – that’s the way I remember it, anyway. Now, families, with cell phones in hand, communicate between themselves and the world beyond simultaneously. Photos, facts, and opinions are instantly put on the cloud somewhere. Yes, if some CIA-type wanted to know any, or all, of one’s online content, no number of passwords is going to stop him (I have nothing to hide).The information age has become a blessing and a cursing.Being blessed, I praise God for my online Bible study libraries and church communities. But I am cursed by having to filter out so much deliberate disinformation.The Christian’s quest for truth in all things is made harder when tempted to believe that truth can be found somewhere in this perpetual hailstorm of ‘misinformed opinion.’I appreciate the restraint my brethren show. They bless when cursed and pray for those who persecute them for their beliefs.Christians killed by Roman persecution 2000 years ago refused to accept their daily trials as being anything in light of heaven to come—so should we! If here today, they would glory in all the moral gains of the last two millennia. Gains directly attributed to Christ and the centuries of good done by his followers.Remember, the seeds of destruction witnessed today were planted in Eden 6000 years ago. One set of persecutors replaces the last. Nothing has changed.The world destroys, Christ and His church builds! One day you will be thanked or condemned for the side you chose—it matters.John StaigerIf you have been blessed by this message, please feel free to: Like, Comment or Share it with your friends.