Day 32 The Lock-Down. Bringing Hope to Confined Circumstance

Day 32 The Lock-Down. Bringing Hope to Confined Circumstance

“Praise the Lord!”

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).I thought I would try to come up with a few things about which to ‘Praise the Lord’ during this time of confinement. I have come up with a dozen. The list would have been much longer if I had included the many personal blessings that have been unique to this time. Please feel free to add your own.

1. For those absolutely convicted, and not afraid to say, that God is working all things out for good through this Lock-Down, despite doubters or complainers—Praise the Lord!

2. For the sunny days that have opened up our yards and neighbourhoods for us to enjoy—Praise the Lord!

3. For the Emails, texts, and face-to-face calls that have only happened because of this Lock-Down—Praise the Lord!

4. For the time to reflect on life as it has been—Praise the Lord!

5. For the time to pray for greater trust that God is always right—Praise the Lord!

6. For faithful friends who are feeling the constraints, too—Praise the Lord!

7. For, as Jim Kirkham often says, “For the food in our stomachs, a roof over our head, and the sun on our backs”—Praise the Lord!

8. For those who selflessly care for those who need special care (my wife being at the top of that list at present)—Praise the Lord!

9. For those who are helping to bring us together from all parts of the world for worship on Social Media—Praise the Lord!

10. For our good health, and access to help when we need it—Praise the Lord!

11. For shops that are well stocked with all we need—Praise the Lord!

12. For the fact that no matter what happens, we are ready to meet Jesus—Praise the Lord!

“And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).


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