“I’m Back!”

“I’m Back!”

Imagine that one moment you are in the realm of the dead, and the next thing you know you have been returned to your earthly body. The door of your Jerusalem tomb cracks in half and you find yourself among others that have also been instantly brought back to life. This was the experience of “many holy people who had died [and] were raised to life” at the moment Jesus died on the cross (Mt.27:51-53). Books, movies, plays and poems could be written about the lives of these people who were suddenly brought back from the dead. The Bible, in its usual matter-of-fact way includes this miracle with all the others.I don’t know about you, but I have a few questions that excite my imagination on this event: *What was the longest time period that someone had been dead—100 years? *What was the reaction when they walked back into their house? *Did they have a house or family to go home to? *Were their families still alive? *Did they have to get jobs? *Had their spouses remarried? *How much had society changed?*Were there people at the tombs who got the fright of their lives?*How many died for their faith in the Messiah to come?*How many believed in Jesus because of them?”Holiness” was the qualification for re-entering the land of the living. God re-introduced good people back into the community. “They went into the holy city and appeared to many people” (Mt.27:53). Never downplay the importance of this group of ‘Witnesses.’ They experienced the power of the Christ. Scripture calls them forward, with all the others, as evidence for the case of the risen Christ.These brethren were back! Living proof of life after death.John StaigerIf you have been blessed by this message, please feel free to: Like, Comment or Share it with your friends.


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