Winning and losing#1 “Arguing the point!”“

Winning and losing#1 “Arguing the point!”“

He’d cut off his nose to spite his face.”I had not heard that expression before hearing it said by the good mother of her preteen son. As I got to know the son I understood that his mother was not referring to a one-off case of stubbornness. Her boy had a persistence case of bullheadedness. He would rather suffer hurt than see reason.Everyone has their convictions. A list of non-negotiables, that they will defend.Of course, your convictions are not correct just because you think them so. If you are going to argue your point, it is incumbent upon you to bring all the facts to the table. Paul tells the Ephesian Elders: “For I did not shrink from declaring to you the whole purpose of God” (Acts 20:27). Anything short of the full plan of salvation is an empty gospel.It is not your mission in life to convince others of your superiority of intellect. Instead, “knowing the fear of the Lord, we persuade men” (2Cor.5:11). Your arguments flow from your love and respect for God. He saved you from sin and death, and that is a message you want to share.Fronting up to every person you meet with a judgmental spirit will do little to persuade them to listen to you. Much more effective is the spirit of an ambassador for Christ.As Christ’s ambassadors we represent his sovereign will. Speaking the words he spoke in the spirit he spoke them. The message that changed the world continues to spread through your words – Praise God!A wise man once said, “It’s not who’s right, its what’s right that matters.”So, if you are going to insist upon “Arguing the point,” make it a point that counts for Jesus’ Kingdom.

John Staiger

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